Third eye activation technology through mathematics and geometry to stimulate your pineal gland

“I followed your steps and techniques and I am blown away, where I have been able to more than double my monthly income as a result. I never could have imagined how simple it would be as well! Last month we did 20K, this month we are on track for 30K giving me more resources to work with and time freedom, thank you so much for all!
"Listening to the vibration of her light language you feel... "
Ahh, I'm home now. Everything is fine. Rest well."
Peace and calm comes as a natural state.
Thank you E.Light for being such a close guide and bringing us a piece of heaven to Earth."
"Your magic works so fast! I am booked out with clients following our last session, I am amazed! Thank you."
"I feel like we opened a beautiful door that leads me to unlimited potential. Working with E has had a profound effect on me. I'm already beginning to notice the subtle and profound changes.
E. gives us a powerful tool to continue working on ourselves, shows us the gateway, and helps us take the first steps towards the limitless, towards the best version of ourselves. Thank you."
"Thank you so much for hosting this course. It was so activating for me, honestly one of the more transformative workshops I have ever done. It really unlocked some artistry codes within me. Divine timing I think. Thank you for holding the space and shining light."
"Working with E Light has been a game changer. I have more confidence in myself, I have clarity on my soul purpose, and have awakened to new realms of consciousness, this has truly been a multidimensional initiation."
"Since doing the light language course I thought about places like Jerusalem and where Jesus was and I can feel the energy that was there and still there. I am starting to understand Christ consciousness In different ways I couldn’t see before."
"You designed the course so well, how wonderful it has been and how much you have inspired me. Now I know a method to connect with my emotions from my heart and create positive energy around my way. So much Love"
"E Light is not only a powerful channeler and healer she is a multidimensional being reincarnated here to expand love consciousness on Gaia. Her ability to reflect what you need to work on and heal is tremendous and her connection with the source is simply beautiful to see and feel. Your inner love consciousness at your core starts expanding and your cells being to awaken as soon as you hear her light language. I'm so grateful to have met her and for reminding me of who I am."
“Your work is so powerful, I just had a major break through, I have so much more clarity and peace of mind. I now see clearly my soul purpose and what I am here to do, you make spiritual awakening so simple, thank you for what you do.”
"It's amazing what you have awakened within me, my anxiety has gone, I feel more embodied than ever before and the multidimensional activation you have facilitated- wow my psychic abilities have upgraded in ways I never expected. Thank you for all you have helped me see! I feel more connected to Christ where everything is so much clearer."
I fully enjoyed the Crystalline and Diamond key activations and highly recommend it. The experience is instant and the effect stays. During the session I saw visions, had bodily sensations and I was floating interdimensionally. Upgrading our DNA and light bodies is truly where we are heading as a species and Ellen's service is a gift to the planet.
"Thank you so much for hosting this course. It was so activating for me, honestly one of the more transformative workshops I have ever done. It really unlocked some artistry codes within me. Divine timing I think. Thank you for holding the space and shining light."
"I can't describe the experience, transmuting my energy into higher levels. Im so thankful E, acquiring this sacred knowledge. I appreciate wholeheartedly ."
"Since doing the light language course I thought about places like Jerusalem and where Jesus was and I can feel the energy that was there and still there. I am starting to understand Christ consciousness In different ways I couldn’t see before."
"You designed the course so well, how wonderful it has been and how much you have inspired me. Now I know a method to connect with my emotions from my heart and create positive energy around my way. So much Love"
"The session with Ellen was powerful. She guided me to shift, activate, clear etc. things on the level of Akashic records and cellular level. A lot happened on many levels and many things I still keep witnessing unfolding after few months. I feel like this work keeps reshaping my reality to much better and more magical direction than I could have imagined. I am experiencing even more synchronisities than before. And the great thing is that after this one session I have been able to continue this work by myself. Some things I said what I wanted to work on and many things Ellen was guided to bring up that I had thought but not told her. I highly recommend this work with her if you feel the call for deeper resets on karmic level and activations for your soul's path or what ever your soul feels call to work on. In big gratitude to this beautiful soul.."
"The classes E Light has created alongside the meditations are amazing. I have received powerful visions and experiences about crystalline and diamond consciousness. My gifts have become more clear and I am able to see my shadow work so clearly and what needs to fall away from my life. She is a powerful channeller and there are very few like her. I really recommend enrolling and investing into the school because the knowledge and wisdom you unlock within yourself is incredible. You will activate crystalline and diamond consciousness as well. This is perfect for someone who wants to go further and take the next step expanding their consciousness in a profound way. The classes and mediations are powerful, you can feel the energy she puts into them and they are easy to understand and will benefit you in so many ways. The school has so much content is it worth more than the price."
"I love this membership!"
It has been a deep and life changing journey of awakening! My multidimensional abilities upgraded in ways I didn't know possible, I have a new found self confidence and passion for life, plus I have never been more abundant! Thank you!
I have realised a big change, I feel more confident more sure of myself, feeling plenty and grateful, Thanks.... Thanks lovely light.
Lourdes Canal
Mi experiencia empezo cuando oi por primera vez el lenguaje de luz , en Barcelona en el congreso de Ufologia.. senti que estava recibiendo algo nuevo, e importante.. en mi primera sesion tenia un estado de ansiedad incontrolado,en esta sesion ya empeze a tener otra mirada con el mundo , despues de esa meditacion tuve una experiencia extrasensorial, empece a ver los colores de la naturaleza mucho mas bellos y brillantes.. me fascino! Jamas vi algo parecido! Este estado duro unos minutos. Pero la calma que fui consiguiendo en las otras sesiones dura en el tiempo ! Me siento mas segura de mis intuiciones y empeze a creer en mi, practico cantar y sobretodo la prioridad principal es parsarlo bien con la gente que me rodea ! Gracias E, gracias Universo por darme esta oprtunidad.
My experience began when I first heard the language of light, in Barcelona at The Ufology World Congress. I felt that I was receiving something new, and important ... in my first session I began with a state of uncontrolled anxiety, in this session I began to have another look at the world, after that meditation I had an extrasensory experience, I began to see the colors of nature much more beautiful and bright .. I was fascinated! I never saw anything like it! This state lasted a few minutes. But the calm that I was getting in the other sessions lasts in time! I feel more sure of my intuitions and I started to believe in myself, I practice singing and above all the main priority is to pass it well with the people around me! Thank you. Thank you, Universe, for giving me this opportunity.
Feela Light Healer
E. light is amaizing! I had a DNA activation done by E. LIGHT, A whole new experience that sifted me to a higher consciousness. My intention fro the beginning was to be more connected to my voice, and experince flow when I express myself vocally. I felt there was a block holding me back. After the sessions, I felt like a different person, I felt that the heaviness I was carrying around which was brining me down, was gone. As I walked outside the world seemed different.
The next day I had a new sense of confidence, my self worth had increased and the block was gone. I am able to express my truth with ease, confidence and in flow. I became more grounded and my energy sifted magnificently.
I was no longer becoming the best version of me, but I was being. I became into ownership of who I am and was born to be.
E. LIGHT is kind, understanding, friendly person. She makes your experience very welcoming and enjoyable. I find it very peaceful, but also exciting. Everything she shared with me was on point!
Thank you very much E Light for the day yesterday, it was worth the 600km traveled! I can not explain how I feel, words are limiting. it's like a state of grace and joy. Lightness and happiness!! Healing with crsytals is also very powerful, thank you very much, Much love.
My experience with E and love light creation was very pleasant gentle peaceful and illuminating. I spent some time in the beautiful energy of E and benefited greatly as I took onboard steps to further my spiritual growth. I took profound channeled messages on which to meditate with during a recent trip as an escape from the matrix! Thank you Love and Light x
Izel Om
My experience this days is beautiful. I have more silence, and I feel more connected with the divinity with more power.
Thank you to all the group
Thank you ~E 💕 for you Light
Ellie, a beautiful being of light who has helped me figure out my creative aspects in such a powerful way. Ellie brought me to so many conclusion, helped shed light on my strengths and really helped open my eyes to my abilities. I really enjoyed our session, and highly recommend seeing her. She is a wonderful person, one who has really helped me figure out my next move. I am now going to accomplish what I came to this planet to do, thanks to the help of Ellie. -Mercedes
Nicola Gibbons Light Language channel
E Light, so gentle, understanding and kind. She was a guest presenter in a group I hosted in Glastonbury, UK, and the DNA activation she brought through for the group was very powerful. I was lucky enough to receive this transmission as part of the group process, and I felt the vibrations ringing through my cells. She speaks light language as well as channelling in English, it is pure and light emitting. Thanks E. x
Nicole Chirica Fashion Designer
I met E in Glastonbury few weeks ago. Such a beautiful soul! She facilitated a DNA activation at Tor and some powerful downloads and light language on the way, that reminded me of who I really am. Grateful that I met you, hope to see you again someday!
J starwalker from movieleaks
"I am truly blessed to have found and work with Eli, she has the consciousness to touch every business from that new earth is longing for. She has the best designing skills and that combine to her spiritual path that makes a great combination for every conscious work out there. I am really thankful to love light creations, I am very grateful for her assistance in designing movie leaks.
Gabriel Both Internet Marketing Professional
I highly recommend E Light, she is a true lightworker and is there to help everyone to get to the next level of consciousness. I'm grateful to have met her!