Third eye activation technology through mathematics and geometry to stimulate your pineal gland

Calling all leaders of light that are to remind and here to ignite
Beautiful soul, You are here on divine purpose, with your own unique gifts abilities, magic and soul purpose!
The wisdom and truth of your soul is your gift and medicine for this earth, where it is so very important that you share your light with the world, whilst be abundantly supported in the process, so that you can truly have the impact on earth that you came to and light up the world in the way that you were born to.
If you are a healer, yogi, shaman, mystic, coach or spiritual entrepreneur, who is ready to call in the wealth and financial freedom of your higher self and highest timeline as crystal clear channel of light, through living your soul purpose, then you are in the right place!
Are you ready to become a conduit for the abundance of the heaven to flow to the earth through you, through living your soul purpose?
It is time for you to become a conduit for the abundance of the heaven to flow to the earth through you in your sacred service to humanity. You deserve to be abundantly supported for your service to humanity dear light worker.
For too long have light workers been oppressed,
It is time for you...
to light up the world in the way that you were born to

Awaken your soul purpose and become crystal clear on your divine God given gifts
Activate your multidimensional & psychic abilities in Christ consciousness
Attune all aspects of your life to the highest possible timeline
Turn your magic into money and get paid abundantly for your light worker and service to humanity
Create and implement a divine structure that enables you to scale your spiritual online business to multi 5 figure months and beyond
Upgrade your New Earth Crystalline Light body DNA & learn key light body terminology
Get out of fight & flight, recalibrate your nervous system and discover your atheric nervous system, how it works & how to purify it in union with the chakras & layers of the aura
Activate your light language, the voice and wisdom of your soul
Learn to work with energy (qi) and cultivate a new found balance throughout your life and reality as a whole
Uncover secret laws of the universe and learn to harness their powers to elevate your reality to higher dimensional octaves of living
Awaken the power within you & create the life of your dreams
Come home to Christ within

All that you seek is found in alignment with your highest possible time line
light up the world in the way that you were born to

Come home to your soul essence working across the 3 major planes of existence

Discover practises that balance, upgrade & harmonise all 3 planes:
Physical Plane: Learn special asanas, meditation, qigong geometry to assist you developing a strong field and becoming a grounded and embodied channel of light
Mental Plane: Reprogram your subconscious mind attuning your thoughts into the consciousness of Christ, through Theta healing and the diamond light
Spiritual Plane: Discover the power of qi, chakra wisdom, energy healing and law of faith

Full access to our video school Includes many different video classes, light body tutorials, & activation meditations
Popular Highlights include:
Chakra Video Series
Learn about your Chakras, how to balance and align them, your Kundalini energy system, nadis and meridians
Diamond Light Video Series
Discover the power of the diamond Light, how to work with it and upgrade your Diamond DNA and light body
Crystalline consciousness video series
Discover the power of the crystal Light, how to work with it and upgrade your crystalline DNA and light body
Multidimensional magic and money
Turn your magic into money & call in the abundance of your higher self through strategy & energy work
Light body Activations
Upgrade to your Christ light body DNA & learn key light body terminology, qigong, special asana and pranayama breath work
Monthly Masterclasses
Access Members only Monthly Masterclasses
Abundance Academy
Activate your abundance light body and call in the abundance of your higher self and the golden age as a leader of light
Light Language Initiation
Learn to channel Light language, awaken the voice of your soul and become a crystalline clear channel of light.
Sacred Geometry Course
Discover the universal law of sacred geometry and see the world around your with new eyes
Access over 80+ Activations, meditations and light body upgrades, video classes, 50+ Masterclasses & resources
Diamond Library
E Light
Soul coach, mystic, healer,
Light body activator,
New Earth pioneer
If you have any questions
Or email me at info@lovelightcreation.com

Hello beautiful soul I am Ellen Holmes, AKA E.L Light.
I am here to assist you in awakening the power within, creating the life of your dreams and in lighting up the world the way that you were born to.
I went through my Kundalini awakening in 2013, where ever since I have been on an epic journey of spiritual growth, self healing and self mastery.
I have spent much time traveling around the world studying with different masters ancient healing modalities including shamanism, yoga, meditation and energy healing, where in our online academy and video school I share with you the most powerful and deeply transformational tools and techniques that I have come across to date to assist you in stepping into your greatest version and lighting up the world in the way that you were born to.

Enrol for Annual Access to the
Light Leaders online video academy
Full video school Access
BONUS gifts included for Pay in full
Diamond Light Academy (Full access)
3,500€One Year Full Video school AccessValid for one year- Full Access to the video school
- Diamond Membership Full Access
- Abundance Academy Full Access
- 4 X 1:1 calls with me
- 8 Weeks of 1:1 Telegram with me
1:1 coaching and training with E Light
Receive Full annual video school access
BONUS gifts included for Pay in full
Enrol for 1:1 coaching and training
"Working with E Light has been a game changer. I have more confidence in myself, I have clarity on my soul purpose, and have awakened to new realms of consciousness, this has truly been a multidimensional initiation."
“Your work is so powerful, I just had a major break through, I have so much more clarity and peace of mind. I now see clearly my soul purpose and what I am here to do, you make spiritual awakening so simple, thank you for what you do.”
"It's amazing what you have awakened within me, my anxiety has gone, I feel more embodied than ever before and the multidimensional activation you have facilitated- wow my psychic abilities have upgraded in ways I never expected. Thank you for all you have helped me see! I feel more connected to Christ where everything is so much clearer."
"Your magic works so fast! I am booked out with clients following our last session, I am amazed! Thank you."