Third eye activation technology through mathematics and geometry to stimulate your pineal gland

Awaken the voice of your soul

Awaken the voice of your soul
Light language is the language of your soul. It is the language of love.
In turn it beholds many healing benefits.
In channeling your light language you download multidimensional codes directly from your soul and higher dimensional ascended expressions. This makes the language of light a very powerful vehicle for your spiritual awakening and ascension.
Learn how to channel Light language through writing, vocally speaking, chanting, singing and how to direct it through movement in our light language initiation course.
Discover the Mechanics of Light language to facilitate your understanding of how the language of light actually works on a cognitive level, to assist you in being a grounded, responsible and informed light language channel divinely balanced in your feminine and Masculine, through the universal Laws of Geometry, vibration, frequency, attraction and Quantum Mechanics.
Receive the opportunity to become a certified Light Language channel in the Light Language initiation course, through passing the Initiation requirements which are personally reviewed by E Light to maintain a high standard in the light language channels we initiate and produce.

Benefits of Light Language
Upgrade to your crystalline light body
through the language of Light

Healing physical, emotional and spiritual ailments
Multidimensional Upgrades
Spiritual awakening
Pain liberation
Third eye activation
DNA activation
Miracle healing
Light body ascension
Connection to soul
Heart activation
Brain and heart cohesion
Unlocking the voice and wisdom of your soul
And Much More!!!
Your Multidimensional
Awakening is here!
Light Language has long been revered by the ancient wisdom keepers of the earth and practised throughout History as sacred sound medicine. Known by many different names, from Shamanic Icaros, to Sandskirt and Yogic Mantras, to the Christic wisdom of speaking in tongues the language of light beholds a vehicle for connection, communication and healing with the divine.
The Language of Light is a multidimensional form of communication that in turn can bring about divine quantum healing, activation and awakening.
The benefits of Light Language are unbound where all is vibrational at nature. The language of light works through the laws of vibration which is divinely connected to the laws of geometry, vibration being geometric at nature. Through pure intention in the direction of your consciousness you create harmonic vibrational light codes, which in turn harmonise the vibration and geometry of your energy field and body.
I am here to guide you in becoming a master light language channel, where I am here to create quality channels who are aware of what they are doing, so we teach the mechanics of light language to provide you with a solid and grounded foundation in light language channeling.
Whether you are New to Light language and looking to learn to channel, or whether you are deep into your journey and looking to upgrade your expertise this is for you!

Awaken the Voice of your soul and learn to channel the language of Light

Beautifully designed Online Porthole
Life time Access to the course & future course upgrades
8+ Video Masterclasses
8+ Light Language Activations
4+ Downloadable channel purification meditations
Course contents Ebook
Home study exercises
Written activation codes
Sacred Geometry Keys and templates
BONUS GIFT + Life time Access to The Sacred Geometry Course
BONUS GIFT + Crystal Plasma Activation Meditation

You will receive your own beautifully designed online porthole within our New Earth Mystery school and Temple of Light, with all of the course contents, resources and meditations, as well as life time access to the course and future upgrades.
Receive the opportunity to become a certified light language channel through completing the course requirements, which are personally reviewed by me so to maintain a standard in the light language channels I initiate and produce

💎 How to activate your light language
💎 How to clear your channel
💎 How to write your light language
💎 How to speak, sing and chant light language
💎 How to direct light language through movement
💎 How to attune your channel to crystalline consciousness
💎 How to work with different crystalline rays of light
💎 The Mechanics of Light language through the universal Laws
💎 About the DNA and how you can upgrade your DNA
💎 About The chakras, kundalini, Nadis and Merkabah
💎 Learn about the DNA and light body geometry
💎 An introduction to Light body Mechanics
💎 The basic light body geometric template
💎 Light body and channel purification keys
💎 Crystalline consciousness geometry
💎 Key Universal Laws
💎 Multidimensionality
💎 Ascension keys
💎 Meditation

✨ The God Source Ray of Light ✨
✨ Arch Angel Michael Ray of Light ✨
✨ The Golden Ray of Light ✨
✨ The Christ Ray of Light ✨
✨ The Crystal Ray of Light ✨
✨ The Diamond Ray of Light ✨
✨ The Sapphire Ray of Light ✨
✨The Emerald Ray of Light ✨
✨ The Amethyst Ray of Light ✨
✨ The Rainbow Ray of Light ✨
✨ The Violet Flame ✨
Learn to work with different crystalline rays:

Hello beautiful soul, I am E Light. I am a Kundalini activator, soul coach and Light Language channel. My Kundalini was awakened in 2013 where I began multidimensional communications with angels. In 2016 I went through my second big awakening, where I began to channel the language of Light, and my communications with celestial giants known as the Guardians began. Today I share keys of activation and awakening to assist you in developing, upgrading and enhancing your spiritual connection one of the most powerful ways I assist you in this process is guiding you in learning to channel the voice of your soul, the language of Light.
I facilitate your activation process guiding you on a multidimensional journey of awakening. I assist you in building a strong and grounded foundation in your light language channeling through the universal Laws to assist you in awakening to the mechanics of light language of how it works on a cognitive, whilst guiding you through the process of learning to channel by hand, through movement and vocally the language of your soul providing you with powerful life changing practises to clear your channel and attune you to the voice and wisdom of your soul.
If you are new to light language or looking to upgrade your light language channeling abilities, this is perfect for you! Join me in a transformation journey of awakening to the voice of your soul, and become a crystalline channel of light!