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  • Sacred Geometry L1

    • Sacred Geometry Course Level 1
    • 8 Video Classes
    • Third Eye Activation
    • 1 Bonus Meditation
    • Beautiful Sacred Geometry Graphics
    • Online Course Porthole
    • Self Study Assignments / exercises
    • Learn The universal Language of Sacred Geometry
Anchor 1

Sacred Geometry Level 1 Initiation

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Did you know the universal law of Attraction and many other universal laws are enabled through the geometric template of Sacred Geometry, including the laws of frequency and vibration?


Including the Law of Polarity and the law of One.


For a matter of fact all laws within the universe are enabled through the Sacred Geometry. sacred geometry in itself a universal Law, through which all connects.


So it makes sense that through understanding the Law of Sacred Geometry not only do you greater understand the Universal Laws such as the law of Attraction but you also the nature of reality all round.


Sacred geometry is so profound it has the capacity to gift you with new eyes, where through studying this universal law you will never see the world around you in the same way.

I invite you to embark on a transformational journey of awakening with me E Light into the Ancient Universal Law and Language of Sacred Geometry.

Over the course of 8 video classes, I will be guiding you on a visual journey through the Law of Sacred Geometry.


E Light

Spiritual Soul Coach

If you do not know me, let me introduce myself quickly, I am E Light and I assist you in your spiritual awakening, self healing and self mastery. I went through a Kundalini awakening in 2013, where I went from being plugged into the 9-5 Matrix living from a place of depressed disempowerment and of thinking life happened to me beyond my control, to a place of divine spiritual connection, self empowerment and euphoria for life. I became the Master creator of my reality instead of feeling as though I fell victim to it and I awakened to the wisdom of the universal Laws, unlocking the keys of creation in the process.

This wisdom I now dedicate my life to sharing because I believe it is your birth right to know the power that is within you and how your potential is truly unbound!


Gain a level one certification at The Guardians School of Creation in Sacred Geometry. Where in completing the course you have the opportunity to apply for a certificate the says you have completed The Level One Sacred Geometry Initiation at The School of Creation.

Providing you a certificate of achievement to go on to teach the Sacred Geometry wisdom covered in the level one initiation. 


I have been deep in the study of sacred geometry for coming up to 8 years now, and to this day, I am simply mesmerized by what this universal law and language reveals. And it is a language, where each symbol means so much, take this circle for example.

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It can be a dot in 0D, 1D a line, a circle in 2D and a sphere in 3D, you see sacred geometry in itself is multidimensional.


In taking the time to learn this Universal Law, new neuron pathways in your brain are formed, where your intelligence and multidimensional abilities are enhanced in the process and the template for you third eye vision is unlocked.


I do believe it is your birth right to know the sacredness geometry, where I understand for many at first glance it can seem overwhelming and too complex, where maybe brings back traumatic memories from maths class at school, but the fear of geometry is simply a trick of the mind because the beauty in it all is it is really quite simple.

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So simple I do believe kids could learn this in school aside of the abc and simple mathematics.


I am super excited to share with you today a brand new course and one of the most activating offerings I have created to date- A course in Sacred Geometry.


This course brings together what 8 years deep in the study and exploration of geometry has taught me, where I have laid it out in a very simply, easy to digest visual manner, designed for you to take it at your own pace.


We will be covering what I call the ABC of sacred geometry- The Pattern of Creation, to the Platonic solids, to Fibonacci and the history of sacred geometry laying the template to then delve deeper into this multidimensional language, where we will be exploring the multidimensional nature of geometry, geometry and crystalline consciousness, and the sacred geometry of your DNA and New earth light body.


I will be providing you with a very streamlined approach to what I believe to be some of the most valuable information on the planet today, whilst providing you with the crystalline template of ascension.

It is some of the most valuable information due to it's versatile nature, where in understanding the sacred geometry can be applied to enhance all areas of your life.


Unlock the Ancient Keys of Sacred Geometry

Benefits of Sacred Geometry


💎Energy protection,

💎Manifestation power,

💎Balancing of YIN and YANG,

💎Third Eye activation,

💎DNA Activation,

💎Multidimensional bridge and Visual Map of Ascension

💎A greater insight and understanding of Universal Laws such as the Law of Attraction

💎The harmonisation of your energy body, home or environment

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And that is to just name a few of the benefits of Sacred Geometry, where it known of by the ancient wisdom keepers of Earth as a core component and tool along the path of enlightenment. The practise of Sacred Geometry has long been acknowledged and actualised by the Tibetan monks and ancient hindu cultures- which can be seen throughout History through the Sacred Yantra and Mandela wisdom


The beautiful of geometry is it works with a grounded analytical masculine approach to spiritual concepts, where it is a fundamental foundation for your greater mastery to be unlocked balancing your YIN (feminine) with your YANG (masculine) .

Over 8 video lesson I will Initiate you into the Ancient Language and Universal Law of Sacred Geometry.

The course includes:

• 8 video lessons

• 4 Bonus Online Masterclasses

• Sacred Geometry Graphics

• Online School Course Porthole

• Exclusive Access to the Sacred Geometry Library

• Additional Resources

• Bonus meditation + third eye activation video

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The course consists of 8 core video lessons and a bonus editional videos, resources, access to our sacred geometry library at The Guardians School and 4 live masterclass, accompanying the launch of the course.


If you are ready to upgrade, awaken and accelerate your ascension process at a whole other level, learn the core geometric blueprint for spiritual ascension and see the world around you with new eyes. You are going to want to attend this course! I guarantee you will not regret it.


So what are you waiting for click the link to sign up today, and I look forward to seeing you on the inside!

  • Sacred Geometry L1

    • Sacred Geometry Course Level 1
    • 8 Video Classes
    • Third Eye Activation
    • 1 Bonus Meditation
    • Beautiful Sacred Geometry Graphics
    • Online Course Porthole
    • Self Study Assignments / exercises
    • Learn The universal Language of Sacred Geometry
Sign up Geometry
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