Crystalline consciousness is the consciousness of New Earth.Where as you embody greater states of crystalline consciousness you align with your New Earth Light body. This is your multidimensional body of light and it is a crystalline frequency.
The process of Light body activation includes upgrading your DNA and heart centered connection with all aspects of you including your multidimensional body and auric field.
Our series of Light body Activation meditations are designed to assist you in greater embodying your New Earth Light body, through circulating your consciousness and light of your heart through the different energy channels in the body, assisted by the breath, universal Laws, spiritual wisdom and power of visualisation meditation.
You also receive as a bonus gift a downloadable light body geometric template to assist your process and clearly stabilising your light body consciousness.
We are currently offering this playlist of Meditations for a huge discounted price. Usually it is 44€ per meditation where for a total of 12 meditations is 528€. This special offer provides you life time access to all of these meditations for just €99.
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Third eye activation technology through mathematics and geometry to stimulate your pineal gland

€523.00 Regular Price
€99.00Sale Price
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