Return of the Guardians! Who is happy to see them?! and all of the wisdom they reignite within the hearts of all who are ready receive!?
Many of the Ancient Egyptian Gods and Goddess were the Guardians I speak of. They have been overseeing the creation of humanity since the beginning of time. They chose to take the forms of different animal beings in response to the wisdom teachings and guidance they gave to the humans.
Some of the humans however were not so evolved and began worshiping many of these beings as Gods and Goddess, as they beheld power greater than theirs through their evolution and spiritual maturity. Then of courses there were darker beings like Seth with not such good intentions, who rebelled against the guardians high council of light and sought to control the humans for himself. There were those with Seth who attempted to confuse the humanity and accepted the worship they received from the humanity. Yet do not confuse all Egyptian Deities as “Bad” as this is not so, the good one were there throughout after all as above so below. Thoth, Horus, Isis, Ra, Osiris, Sekmet to name a few are amongst the benevolent and of course Anubis also can be good too, equally Anubis is the gatekeeper of judgment and judgment can be harsh, karma can feel like an eternity in how long it can cast to last. But even this “good" and “bad" from a higher dimensional perspective is not so- the duality is such of intelligent design there to help the humanity grow. So the benevolent Guardians stepped in to fix the time lines that the dark ones attempted to control.
Thoth playing a key role in all of this. Where Thoth, carried the wisdom since the fall of Atlantis. A plan was born to bring all worship that had become so dispersed to many deities and focus it back to the sun, which is the New human beings soul star in a parallel universe and gateway to the New / Ancient universe of the crystalline Kingdoms of Light.
Nefertiti and Akhenaten were created they had Sirian DNA by Thoth (you can read about this more in Drunvalo Melchizedek Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life). Where their role was to seed Christ consciousness into the Akashic records since the fall of Atlantis. One of the greatest influences that Nefertiti and Akhenaten had in the rule as pharaoh was shifting the humanities worship back to the sun. Which is a gateway to the source God creator of all. So from a low density perspective it is one of the most profound portholes to shift your perspective to, to facilitate the reconnection with the Source God within all and within you.
From the mystery schools of Thoth came the Essenes. Who in turn broke away from Egypt, as it began to fall carrying the wisdom of Thoth with them. Where from there a new plan was born. The plan of Jesus Christ. Jesus was born through divine plan and orchestration, where his parents Mary and Jesus were great masters, of Essene lineages initiated into the wisdom of Thoth. They brought Jesus' soul to the Earth through immaculate conception, a high tantric practise mastered in the 5th dimension. The same process that was used for Ganesha's entry to earth, this high tantric practise will also be the ideal method of entry into the new universe and in becoming a new human being upon the earth.
So the Guardians are important, they are benevolent and are assisting humanity. There can many fears that arise as we awaken to the multidimensional beings, which is why I speak in this way today, as I am an ambassador of the Guardians and it is important to address the distortions and misinformation surrounding the guardians council of light. There is also much misinformation in the New age community around the different Guardians from Egypt, such Thoth. Where there are those who say he is not good, but those are the same people who also nailed Jesus to a cross. So may you practise discernment when you hear such people talk. There are those attempting to create fear in relation to Thoth, and also the sacred geometry wisdom because of just how much it empowers and liberates the humanity. You see what you are, or what you are not willing to see within you reflected back to you by others. For those who take the time to truly study the wisdom of Thoth and the sacred geometry, will see, the map of ascension that has been gifted to humanity. Where if you curse (project dense energy) the sacred geometry you in essence curse yourself and all of creation, because the geometry is the template that forms you and all of creation. If you fear the guardians you fear the guardian within you. So I invite you to let go of fear and trust that divine light and love of the God source is always inside of you, is always protecting you so long as you allow God to, through the wisdom of the gateway of your heart. Where as you explore esoteric wisdom, the God source is always here, protecting you, assisting you, so long as you have faith in the God sources protection of you, it is one of if not the greatest power in the universe- your faith in God, is a huge key that can move mountain is necessary. Or as Moses did part the red sea. There are those who say such things can not be true, but they have forgotten the power of God the resides within all, including me and you. Where the guardians are extensions of God, are expressions of God, just you like you too, me and all of the humanity. To read more about the Guardians click here. The Guardians are here and there are those already receiving contacts from them, often people will meet them in private sessions and meditations that I facilitate, where I am ultimately here to help you prepare and to help you see multidimensionally. Where trusting in Gods protection of you is the key, and will serve you for eternity. If you want to activate your third eye more and begin connecting with guardians I invite you to enrol as a diamond member at the school of creation.
The key guide throughout all is the source God inside, where in alignment with God, all truth shall be seen and eternal light shall be for all who are ready to receive it.
Love and Blessings