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Make 2023 your year of epic spiritual awakening, upgrading,
growth and golden Age abundance

Upgrade in Crystalline Consciousness

Activate your multidimensional light body

Embody the abundance of your God given destiny

Are you ready to take your spiritual awakening and service to the next level?
It's time to unlock the abundance of your soul blueprint and prosperity of your God given destiny, it's time to activate your Abundance Light body.


Abundance is a frequency and it is a vibe where through energetics, strategy and structure you can truly embody the abundance of your higher self and light up this world like you were born to!!!

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Light body Abundance

Your Higher dimensional expressions are rich beyond your wildest dreams. Abundance is your natural design and it is a key part of your ascension process in returning to the divine. As a new earth pioneer, light worker, healer, mystic and one who is here to change this earth for the better, elevating it to higher dimensional realms of consciousness, it is your divine responsibility to claim and embody the abundance of your destiny of your God given destiny.


Light body Abundance is here to help you in this process where we are focused on activating your New Earth crystalline and diamond light body working with different crystalline rays of light, whilst guiding and holding space for you to attune your being to the consistent frequency of your abundant higher dimensional self and soul blue print.

We work on an energy level and with the chakras, in activations and upgrades, as well as also on a practical level through guiding you in creating structure, strategy and action to assist you in activating, embodying and truly living the abundance and flow of your higher self.

The energy work can be seen as YIN (divine feminine) and the structure can be seen as YANG the (divine masculine), where through balanced YIN and YANG your greatest mastery can truly be unlocked and your successful spiritual business truly realised.


I will be sharing with you I have built a profitable online spiritual business, guiding you in a step by step process in how you can also build a profitable online spiritual business encoded with your own unique message and soul purpose.

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Learn light body mechanics & how to upgrade your DNA whilst how to define your message and build your successful online spiritual business, because this world need your light baby.

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Your Receive:


1 year access to the Diamond Membership, includes an abundance of diamond light activation meditations, masterclasses, upgrades, videos and resources.

80+ DNA Light body Activation meditations

An abundance of Crystalline and diamond light activation meditations

1 year crystal Membership Access

1 year access to the Crystal Membership, includes an abundance of crystalline consciousness activation meditations, upgrades, video tutorials and resources.

48 New Earth Activation Video Lessons

Access over 12 different mini video series designed to faciliate light body upgrades

Monthly Abundance Academy 

New in 2023!!! Each month receive a new Abundance Activation masterclass and meditation

Beautiful online Temple porthole

Access your own beautiful online porthole with lots of third eye activation graphics, meditations, videos, DNA upgrades, masterclass, resources and multidimensional keys

Kundalini Breathwork activations

Kundalini Activation videos, yoga, pranyama breath work, graphics and more

Private 1:1 Coaching with
E Light

Receive Optional
1:1 coaching with E Light

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Awaken to the wisdom of your soul and higher self
Abundance Light body Activations

Monthly videos, meditations, upgrades and activations

Diamond and Crystalline Light activations, and initiations

Christ consciousness Activations and upgrades

Learn about universal Laws and ancient spiritual wisdom

Learn to nourish and Balance your nervous system
Learn about the energy body, Kundalini Nadis and meridians

Learn about your chakras & how to heal and balance them

DNA and cellular Upgrades

Discover your soul blue print (who you are designed to be)

Activation of multidimensional abilities

Third eye activation and upgrades

Kundalini breathwork, yoga and activation

Develop & enhance a deeper connection to your soul & to God

Heart intelligence, heightened intuition 

And So Much More!!!
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Make 2023 you year of Light body Abundance and Activation

Discover the power within you to create the life of your dreams and that you came here to!!! Every month receive new Abundance Light body Kundalini activations and DNA upgrades, learn about your energy body, how to heal and balance your being.
You new upgrades will be released with the start of each zodiac month starting on the 22nd December where a new page in your online porthole will unlock and where you will receive an abundance of multidimensional keys of activation and upgrades to assist you in your attunement process with the wisdom of your soul and higher self.

Our goal is to assist you in awakening your multidimensional sense, light body and developing your spiritual connection, whilst guiding you in how you can spiritually serve. This is perfect for coaches, healers and light workers, who all ready have an online business and want to take it to the next level and looking to truly call in the abundance of you destiny. This year we are introducing the abundance academy which is a new online space within your porthole that is focused on assisting you in your spiritual service and business.

This is also great for newbees on the path spiritual awakening, who want to get inspired and learn about about how you can serve as a light worker in the great awakening and the planetary ascension whilst and being abundantly supported for your gifts and service to the earth and humanity. We will work each month in the abundance academy activation assisting you in building confidence, courage inner strength, crystal clear boundaries and bravery as spiritual warrior who is here to help elevate the humanity earth into higher realms of consciousness. You will receive life changing practises of qigong, breathwork, meditation and kundalini yoga and exercises to purify, enhance and centre you in your being, where the energy work (YIN) combined with your business structure and strategy is what will enable your success.

The results you receive will be directly reflective of the work you put in, where we combine abundance energetics with guidance on strategy in how you can go on to support yourself and others financially on your spiritual path.

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Activate, Upgrade and awaken to your

Multidimensional Merkabah Light body DNA


Time is an illusion, your higher dimensional and future expressions are available to you in the now, all you got to do is realise who you already are and choose to energetically align with Gods design and will for you.


The abundance of your higher self and soul blue print is waiting for you to tap into it. Your DNA is already encoded with the keys to all that you seek and all that is destined for you. In light body abundance we focus on activating and upgrading your abundance light body to call in the infinite and overflowing abundance of your souls destiny, whilst guiding you in implementing strong spiritual business structure, mechanics and strategy, to facilitate you in the process of holding and maintaining the abundance that you came to earth to channel.

The Golden Age is here, come join the dance

Align with the Abundance
time line of your souls design


As one who has been on the spiritual path for 9 years now and in spiritual service for 6 I have learnt what works and what doesn’t in spiritual business.


It hasn’t always been a breeze that is for sure. There were times where I really hit rock bottom, where I almost gave up because it got so challenging to consistently financially support myself in spiritual service. I had this huge vision to elevate human consciousness and awaken humanity to the power of the divine within, but I was struggling to pay my rent, my food and find the strength to keep on going. I would over give and people please until I was exhausted with no time or energy left for myself until one day I had enough and I decided things had got to change, where in greater light than ever before I awakened the power within. I began to manifest large sums of money with ease that supports my work abundantly and gives me the capacity to travel around the world activating the planetary grid.

It’s time for me to share my experience and how today I have built an successful online spiritual business that awakens and elevates the humanity, holding space for you dear light worker to rise!!! 


I understand first hand how challenging it can be for light workers in spiritual service, we are the new earth pioneers. I understand what it's like, where there was a time I repressed my light due to the unnecessary burdens I would take on from other peoples projections telling me I should work for free because I am spiritual. Yet your light, gifts and service are some of the most valuable on earth today, where you divinely deserve to be abundantly supported for your light work. 


This is why I have created the abundance academy, to provide you with the energetic keys and structure that have created huge shifts for me in my spiritual business and service, so that you too can truly step into and embody the light and voice of your soul, so that you too can elevate the earth in the way that you were born to. Because this planet needs you!!! 

It is your divine responsibility to channel the abundance of your higherself to the earth, where abundance is energy, it is chi, it is prana, it is sacred life force energy. The the more energy you have the greater you can show up on this earth, serve and the larger impact you can have on the planet. It is Gods design for you to prosper in all areas of your life.


It's time to demand to be paid abundantly for you God given gifts light worker. If you want to build schools, healing centres, eco communities, temples and all the divine visions we receive of the new earth, we got to fund it... and guess what?! It requires money honey.


And guess what?! There is MORE than enough money to go around!!! 


We are in a New energy now and I want you to begin to think in limitless abundance and overflow. Abundance is a frequency and it is a vibe and it is a state of being that resides inside of you should you choose to claim it, which is what you do when you activate your Abundance Light body!!!


 It is now time for you to claim the abundance of your spiritual density.


1 year access to Light body Abundance
We offer different enrolment options depending on how much support you are seeking. See below to enrol if you would like to speak to E Light prior you can, book a discover call with me E Light at


sign up
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✨ BONUS GIFT: The Golden Age Abundance Activation 
See below to enrol or
Book a discover call with me E Light at


No plans availableOnce there are plans available for purchase, you’ll see them here.
No plans availableOnce there are plans available for purchase, you’ll see them here.

Private Coaching

With Private coaching you receive full access to the online academy in addition to 4 hours a month of private coaching.

See below to enrol, if you would like to speak to E Light prior you can, book a discover call at


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