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Diamond Light Initiation

Awaken your soul purpose, Activate your multidimensional abilities in Christ, learn to turn your magic into money and create the life of wealth‭, ‬health‭ & ‬abundance in the way that you were born to‭!!!‬

A sacred group container to assist you in your ascension

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It's time for you to light up the world in the way that you were born to

Do you want to awaken your multidimensional psychic abilities and attune all aspects of your life to the highest possible timeline?

Are you a spiritual coach, mystic, healer, starseed, seeker, yogi or light worker, that is ready to have a much larger impact on earth, stand out and shine brighter than ever before all whilst getting paid abundantly for your service to humanity?

I see you bright soul of light. Chances are you know on an innate level of your being that you are here on earth to do great things, and create waves of change that elevate the earth to higher dimensional realms of consciousness.There is a reason why our paths have crossed, I am here for the leaders of light. I help you in becoming comfortable with being seen and standing out as you push the status quo, awakening your multidimensional gifts and abilities whilst turning your magic into money and getting paid abundantly for your God given gifts and service to humanity.

 The Diamond Light Initiation is here to assist you rising as a leader of light in these times and lighting up this world in the way that you were born to. I will be guiding you through the process of getting crystal clear on your soul purpose & scaling your spiritual service and online business to 4 and 5 figure months through a combination of energy work and strategy, working with the powerful assistance of the diamond ray of light and other crystalline rays of light, so you can truly light up the world and have the impact you were born to!!

You will learn how to

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Awaken your soul purpose and become crystal clear on your divine God given gifts


Harness and infuse the diamond and other crystalline rays of light into your spiritual coaching, healing business, yoga practise and life to facilitate ascension.


Harness the 5 elements and the magic of qi to elevate your life and business 


Awaken your multidimensional magic and money


Scale your spiritual online business to consistent 4 & 5 figure months


Work with 8 crystalline rays of light 


Activate your light language & the voice of your soul


Activate your third eye and upgrade your psychic abilities 


Upgrade your physical health and overall well being through the powerful assistance of the diamond light.


Heal with and direct the diamond light


Activate others with the diamond light


Relax your nervous system, get out of fight & flight and learn to work with the diamond light to recalibrate and upgrade your being at a DNA and cellular level attuning you to the highest possible time line.


Manifest abundance through coming home to your soul purpose


Activate your abundance light body with the powerful assistance of the diamond light and Spirit of Christ


Awaken new found states of embodiment, confidence and self mastery


Stand stronger in your centre than ever before, holding your frame and a high vibration through all environments and situations as you light up the space around you.


Navigate the psychic realms like a galactic white wizard, high priest/ priestess, Queen/ King & spiritual master, deeply embodied in your power and in working with energies


Awaken in Christ consciousness and upgrade through the spirit of Christ with ease and flow, and learn how to Quantum heal in Christ attuning to the highest possible time line at the speed of light.


Become crystal clear on your soul purpose and light up the world in the way that you were born to as a diamond light ambassador of Christ.

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All that you seek is found in alignment with your highest possible time line

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I guide you in working across the three major planes of existence to assist you in the process of becoming a grounded, balanced and deeply embodied multidimensional crystal clear channel of the divine and unstoppable beacon of ascension.

Through the 3 major planes I guide you in how you can activate and attune your being and consciousness to the highest possible time line in all areas and aspects of your life, through the power of the diamond light and spirit of Christ.

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We work with different practises that harmonise all 3 planes:
Physical Plane: Learn special asanas, meditation, qigong geometry to assist you developing a strong field and becoming a grounded and embodied channel of light
Mental Plane: Reprogram your subconscious mind attuning your thoughts into the consciousness of Christ, through Theta healing and the diamond light
Spiritual Plane: Discover the power of qi, chakra wisdom, energy healing and law of faith

Multidimensional Magic and money

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The Diamond Light initiation and training is here for the leaders of light. Those of you who are here to create huge impact on this earth, those of you who are here to elevate human consciousness to higher dimensional octaves of existence and create a legacy leading all the way to the Kingdoms of heaven on earth clearing the way for the younger generations to follow in your footsteps.

With this it is your divine responsibility to be abundantly support for your service to humanity. Abundance and financial freedom is who you are at your core, it is a state of being that is of your soul essence, where awakening to the prosperity of your higher self in turn comes hand in hand with awakening your soul purpose.

In Diamond Light Initiation I guide you through a module called Multidimensional Magic and money where I assist you in how you can turn your magic into money and get paid abundantly for your God given gifts and service to humanity, where I will be sharing with you powerful strategy for scaling your spiritual online business to consistent 4 & 5 figure months in union with energy work, so you can attract a consistent stream of soul mate client and truly rise as a leader of light in this times, having the impact on earth that you came to.

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Awaken your soul
purpose & divine magic


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Learn to work with different crystalline rays of light and magic

💎 Crystal Light


💎 Diamond Light


💎 Sapphire Light


💎 Violette Flame


💎 Christ Light


💎 Golden Light


💎 White Light


💎 Rainbow Light 


💎 Universal Plasma


💎 5 elements

We will embark of a spiritual journey of awakening, activation and initiation. You will receive 2 Mastermind calls every week, including a multidimensional mechanics call, which is where you will learn the nuts and bolts of multidimensional magic and money, spiritual business, quantum mechanics, laws of the universe, sacred geometry, the science of consciousness and key light body, chakra, kundalini terminology. You will also receive one Diamond light activation call each week where we will explore the aetheric wisdom and where you will learn to work with and direct different crystalline rays of light, how to harness and the diamond light in your service to humanity, how to harness the 5 elements, key embodiment practises for standing strong in your centre and lighting up the world as a crystal clear channel for the spirit of Christ to flow, heal and create through you, 

A sacred journey and diamond light group container of activation, spiritual awakening and multidimensional initiation

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You receive:

💎 3 month group journey & sacred container

💎 2 Mastermind calls per week

💎 Sacred Group Container & private initiation fb group

💎 3 Diamond light Activation Meditations

💎 Diamond light Initiation ebook

Pay in full BONUS Gifts

 Access to the Diamond Library (Includes 80+ meditations, activations, video classes, masterclasses sacred geometry + more)

 90 Minute 1:1 deep dive

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Awaken your soul purpose and magic!
Awaken your soul purpose. W
e will be exploring the energy body, merkabah, layers of the aura the chakras, the kundalini energy system, the 5 elements, multidimensionality, Quantum healing, the crystalline rays and how to work with energy guiding you in becoming crystal clear on your God given gifts and service to humanity, awakening soul purpose and magic!

Multidimensional magic and money
I will guide your in how to turn your magic into money and get paid abundantly for your God given gifts and service to humanity. I will guide you in how to implement simple structure and strategy into your spiritual online coaching, service or healing business, for you to scale to 5 figure months with even a small following, in union with energy work activating your abundance light body and how to become magnetic in your messaging.

Power of Christ
We will be working with the power of Christ and law of faith to build upon everything explored in the previous months, further facilitating your attunement process to your soul essence and highest possible time line in all areas of your life. We will explore how you can move forward as a diamond light activator and ambassador of Christ, assisting others in their awakening process, whilst being divinely and abundantly supported for your sacred service lighting up the world in the way that you were born to.

Topics We will explore include:

✨ Awaken your soul purpose✨
✨ Discover the wisdom of qi and prana and learn to work with energy ✨
✨ Balance and align your chakras ✨
✨ Layers of the Aura ✨
✨ Pranayama and Asanas for light body purification  ✨
✨ Purify your Nadis and Meridians for Kundalini Rising ✨
✨ Learn key terminology and yogic philosophy of the energy body ✨
✨ Crystalline consciousness and rays of Light ✨
✨ Awaken your light language and magic ✨
✨ Attune all areas of your light to the highest time line ✨
✨ Learn to heal your self and other through the power of Christ ✨
✨ Quantum Healing ✨
✨ 5 elements ✨
✨ Third eye activation, Sacred Geometry multidimensional awakening ✨
✨ 5D initiation ✨
✨ Multidimensional Magic and Money ✨
✨ How to attract soul mate clients ✨
✨ Scaling to 4 & 5 figure months✨

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E Light
Soul coach, mystic, healer, Kundalini activator,
New Earth pioneer

Hello beautiful soul, I am E Light - my spiritual name and my birth name is Ellen Lucy. I am here to assist you in awakening the power within, creating the life of your dreams and in lighting up the world the way that you were born to. I went through my Kundalini awakening in 2013, where ever since I have been on an epic journey of spiritual growth, study and adventure. I have spent much time traveling around the world studying with different masters ancient healing modalities including shamanism, yoga, meditation and energy healing, where in the diamond light initiation and training I share with you the most powerful and deeply transformational tools and techniques that I have come across to date to assist you in stepping into your greatest version and lighting up the world in the way that you were born to.

If you have any questions

Or email me at

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Enrol for the group
Diamond Light initiation 


3 month Group Initiation and sacred container

BONUS gifts included for Pay in full

  • Diamond

    Every month
    Monthly Membership
    • Full Access to the Video School
    • 1:1 X 1 hour monthly coaching call

"Working with E Light has been a game changer. I have more confidence in myself, I have clarity on my soul purpose, and have awakened to new realms of consciousness, this has truly been a multidimensional initiation."


“Your work is so powerful, I just had a major break through, I have so much more clarity and peace of mind. I now see clearly my soul purpose and what I am here to do, you make spiritual awakening so simple, thank you for what you do.”


"It's amazing what you have awakened within me, my anxiety has gone, I feel more embodied than ever before and the multidimensional activation you have facilitated- wow my psychic abilities have upgraded in ways I never expected. Thank you for all you have helped me see! I feel more connected to Christ where everything is so much clearer."


"Your magic works so fast! I am booked out with clients following our last session, I am amazed! Thank you."


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