Third eye activation technology through mathematics and geometry to stimulate your pineal gland

Activate your light language and awaken the voice of your soul

Light Language
At last a self paced course and crystal clear introduction into language of light

It's time for you...
Upgrade in crystalline consciousness
Come home to your soul essence
Activate your light language
Do you crave a deeper connection with spirit and greater embodiment of your soul?

Light language is the language of love, it is the language of your source expression, where it in turn beholds great healing benefits facilitating the integration of your higher dimensional self.
In channeling your light language you download multidimensional codes directly from your soul. This makes the language of light a very powerful medicine and vehicle for your spiritual awakening and ascension.

Learn how to channel Light language through writing, vocally speaking, chanting, singing and how to direct it through movement.

Discover the Mechanics of Light language to facilitate your understanding of how the language of light actually works on a cognitive level, to assist you in being a grounded, responsible and informed light language channel divinely balanced in your feminine and Masculine, through the universal Laws of Geometry, vibration, frequency, attraction and Quantum Mechanics.
Receive the opportunity to become a certified Light Language channel in the Light Language initiation course.

Awaken the Voice of your soul and learn to channel the language of Light

Beautifully designed Online Porthole
Life time Access to the course & future course upgrades
8 weeks of Video lessons (new video masterclasses each week)
8+ Light Language Activations
4+ Downloadable channel purification meditations
Course contents Ebook
Home study exercises
Written activation codes
Sacred Geometry Keys and templates
An 8 week self paced video course and initiation
A self paced video course

Your MultidimensionalAwakening is here!
Light Language has long been revered by the ancient wisdom keepers of the earth and practised throughout History as sacred sound medicine. Known by many different names, from Shamanic Icaros, to Sandskirt and Yogic Mantras, to the Christic wisdom of speaking in tongues the language of light beholds a vehicle for connection, communication and healing with the divine.
The Language of Light is a multidimensional form of communication that in turn can bring about divine quantum healing, activation and awakening.
The benefits of Light Language are unbound where all is vibrational at nature. The language of light works through the laws of vibration which is divinely connected to the laws of geometry, vibration being geometric at nature. Through pure intention in the direction of your consciousness you create harmonic vibrational light codes, which in turn harmonise the vibration and geometry of your energy field and body.
I am here to guide you in becoming a master light language channel, where I am here to create quality channels who are aware of what they are doing, so we teach the mechanics of light language to provide you with a solid and grounded foundation in light language channeling.
Whether you are New to Light language and looking to learn to channel, or whether you are deep into your journey and looking to upgrade your expertise this is for you!

I felt a shift from the moment I applied the Akashic commands. Since we first opened the door in the first session life has become much lighter, with greater ease, flow and heightened synchronicities. I feel karma was definitely lifted, something has shifted in me for sure, I am experiencing an influx of abundance ever since our first session, which is one of the areas we worked on! Thank you so much for this wonderful magic! I really like how you provided me with a template that I can keep working with on my own as well, I am practising daily and am excited to see where this leads.
~ Stacy~

Awaken the magic within!

Discover the Wisdom of the 5th element
Awaken the keys of the your Akasha
Learn to rewrite your Akashic inheritance in Christ
Activate your crystalline light body through the 5th element
End the wheel of karma
Learn to access & Upgrade your DNAs Akash
Experience full body ascension
Activate your mystical siddhus
Discover the secret of great magic
Become initiated in the master element of the aether
Learn to tap into, feel and work with the 5th element
Discover your 7 energy bodies
Welcome to the akashic reset

Discover the keys of the 5th element
In this 5 part video course

You recieve

5 video
The akashic
reset template
3 Akashic
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"E Light is not only a powerful channeler and healer she is a multidimensional being reincarnated here to expand love consciousness on Gaia. Her ability to reflect what you need to work on and heal is tremendous and her connection with the source is simply beautiful to see and feel. Your inner love consciousness at your core starts expanding and your cells being to awaken as soon as you hear her light language. I'm so grateful to have met her and for reminding me of who I am."
"A lot happened with the Akashic Reset on many levels and many things I still keep witnessing unfolding after few months. I feel like this work keeps reshaping my reality to much better and more magical direction than I could have imagined. I am experiencing even more synchronisities than before. And the great thing is that after this one session I have been able to continue this work by myself. Some things I said what I wanted to work on and many things Ellen was guided to bring up that I had thought but not told her. I highly recommend this work with her if you feel the call for deeper resets on karmic level and activations for your soul's path or what ever your soul feels call to work on. In big gratitude to this beautiful soul.."
"I feel like we opened a beautiful door that leads me to unlimited potential. I believe working with E has had a profound effect on me. I'm already beginning to notice the subtle and profound changes.
E gives us a powerful tool to continue working on ourselves, shows us the gateway, and helps us take the first steps towards the limitless, towards the best version of ourselves. Thank you."